Denken nach Illich
Letzte Aktualisierung: 26 Oktober, 2006 (c) Bremen, Deutschland  
Zum Tod von Ivan Illich
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Ivan Illich at Penn State: Continuing the Conversation

Symposium zu Ehren von Ivan Illich, Pennsylvania State Universität (USA), 12-14 November, 2004

This symposium honors the presence of Ivan Illich (1926-2002) at Pennsylvania State University. Illich was an extravagant thinker whose searing criticisms of modern certainties were rooted in the soil of friendship. Illich was a restless scholar whose pursuit of the historical origins of the modern condition led him to continually question, revise and deepen many of his previous ideas and formulations.

For over a decade (1986-1998), Illich thus prodded and provoked his auditors at Penn State to grapple with his incessant, wide-ranging, and disciplined studies aimed at shaking up the modern mind-set. The focus of this symposium two years after Ivan Illich's death is to explore his ideas and arguments. In trying to think after Illich we hope to pursue some of the many conversations he began by emulating his extravagance and self-criticism.

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