Thinking after Illich
Last update: 11/01/2007 (c) Bremen, Germany  
On the death of
Ivan Illich


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New on the webpage in 02/12/2006

Powerless Politics in a Convivial Society. Rethinking the Vernacular.

March 6-7-8-9 2006
in Convento di San Cerbone
Massa Pisana-Lucca/Italy

March 10-11 2006
close to the Palazzo Ducale

for more detailed information see the programm below (only in Italian)



Seminario residenziale:
6-7-8-9 marzo 2006
Convento di San Cerbone
Massa Pisana (Lucca/L'Italia)

10-11 marzo 2006
presso il Palazzo Ducale


New on the webpage in 11/04/2004

Ivan Illich at Penn State:
Continuing the Conversation
Symposium to honor Ivan Illich

November 12-14, 2004, at Pennsylvania State University (USA)

Updates and further information you will find at:

New on the webpage in 09/20/2004

  • Trapp, Sebastian (12/2003): You, me, and human beings in general. Some thoughts before the first Ivan Illich symposion
    in Bremen, Dec. 2003.
  • Trapp, Sebastian (02/2003): Der Ethnos der Freundschaft. Vortragsmanuskript für das "Symposium für Ivan Illich zum Abschied", 7./8. Februar 2003, Universität Bremen.
  • Samuel, Sajay; Robert, Jean (7/2004): Car-free or not: the danger of designed spaces. [Talk given at "Towards Car-Free Cities, IV" (Berlin, July 21, 2004).]
  • Samuel, Sajay (6/2002): Consoling Thoughts about Tyranny
    at the end of the Age of Experts.
    [Presented at the Workshop "Guiding Societies: Experts and public choices in the 19th and 20th century," (European University Institute, June 1st, 2002)]
  • New on the webpage in 07/03/2004

    Lecture notes on: "Conversations: The Legacies of Ivan Illich" Lectures series to honor Ivan Illich at Pitzer College in Claremont (Califonrnien, USA), March 26-28, 2004

  • Lummis, Douglas (2004): The Madman and the Sword
  • Robert, Jean (2004): The demise of the Great Tradition. Lecture given at the Lecture Series "Conversations: The Legacies of Ivan Illich" at Pitzer College, Claremont (California, USA), March 26-March 28, 2004
  • Sanders, Barry (2004): Illich and Literacy. Lecture given at the Lecture Series "Conversations: The Legacies of Ivan Illich" at Pitzer College, Claremont (California, USA), March 26-March 28, 2004
  • Rahnema, Majid (2004): GLIMPSES OF IVAN THE PILGRIM. Lecture given at the Lecture Series "Conversations: The Legacies of Ivan Illich" at Pitzer College, Claremont (California, USA), March 26-March 28, 2004
  • Cobb, John B. Jr. (2004): ECOLOGY AND THE STRUCTURE OF SOCIETY. Lecture given at the Lecture Series "Conversations: The Legacies of Ivan Illich" at Pitzer College, Claremont (California, USA), March 26-March 28, 2004
  • Duggan, Bob (2004): Growing Up with Ivan Illich. Lecture given at the Lecture Series "Conversations: The Legacies of Ivan Illich" at Pitzer College, Claremont (California, USA), March 26-March 28, 2004
  • Hoinacki, Lee (2004): Why Philia? Lecture given at the Lecture Series "Conversations: The Legacies of Ivan Illich" at Pitzer College, Claremont (California, USA), March 26-March 28, 2004
  • New on the webpage in 01/23/2004

  • Trapp, Sebastian (2003): Answer from Sebastian Trapp to a comment to the "speed"-text from Douglas Lummis.
  • Lummis, Douglas (2003): Money and the Metronome.
  • Robert, Jean (2003): ALTERNATIVE TECHNOLOGY (Manuscript).
  • Robert, Jean (2003): Energy (Manuscript).
  • Robert, Jean (2003): Space (Manuscript).
  • Illich, Ivan (1998): Elogio della cospirazione.
  • Gronemeyer, Marianne (2003): Freiheit und Gehorsam. Vortrag gehalten anläßlich des 2. Symposioms zum Tod von Ivan Illich 2003 in Bremen.
  • Pörksen, Uwe (2003): Redekunst als Schule der Politik. Vortrag anläßlich des 2. Symposioms zum Tod von Ivan Illich. Gehalten am Sonntag den 7. Dezember 2003 im Rathaus Bremen.
  • New on the webpage in 10/16/2003

  • Samerski, Silja (2003): Die Freisetzung genetischer Begrifflichkeiten. Wie die genetische Beratung zum Selbstmanagement verpflichtet. Vortragsmanuskript für die Tagung "Gute Gene - schlechte Gene?", Bremen, 16.09.2003.
  • Angelini, Massimo (2003): "LANDRACES ARE COMMONS"
  • Angelini, Massimo (2003): "FOUR ITEMS EN-PASSANT. Compresence, free exchange of seeds, primal law, putative tutelage".
  • New on the webpage in 09/19/2003

    Obituaries on the death of Ivan Illich.

    New on the webpage in 07/30/2003

  • Barbara Duden (2003): Ivan Illich. Beyond Medical Nemesis (1976): The Search for Modernity's Disembodiment of "I" and "You" (Notes for a contribution at the Bremen Symposium "Ivan Illich zum Abschied", February 7-8, 2003, translated by Jan Lambertz)
  • New on the webpage in 07/13/2003

  • Chatzikyriakou, Kostas (2003): "Fasting as a leftist practice." Speech delivered at the meeting for the inauguration of the Ivan Illich Center for Intercultural Documentation, at Lucca, Italy: June, 13th-15th 2003.
  • Farage, Samar (2003): "Conversations around a Table" Opening speech delivered at the Inauguration of the Ivan Illich Center for Intercultural Do-cumentation in Lucca, Italy: 13-15th June, 2003.
  • Samuel, Sajay (2003): "De-Linking Peace and Globalization." Speech delivered at the meeting for the inauguration of the Ivan Illich Center for Intercultural Documentation, at Lucca, Italy: June, 13th-15th 2003.
  • Samerski, Silja (2003): "Il mito della 'scelta informata' e della 'autono-mia'. Come le decisioni personali e libere diven-gono illusione in un mondo dominato dal rischio." Presetatiazione di "Le paci dei popoli" - una rivisitazione del pensiero di IVAN ILLICH sulla pace Lucca Palazzo Ducale Sede della Provincia, 13-14 giugno 2003 SCUOLA DELLA PACE
  • Rieger, Matthias (2003): "Listen to Music through the Ears of Music. Why Harmony had to wither in the Age of Equality." Speech delivered at the meeting for the inauguration of the Ivan Illich Center for Intercultural Documentation, at Lucca, Italy: June, 13th-15th 2003.
  • Obituaries on the death of Ivan Illich.

    New on the webpage in 05/28/2003

  • Illich, Ivan; Robert, Jean (1992): "AUTOSTOP." Contribution by Ivan Illich and Jean Robert to a Symposium on bicycle freedoms in Berlin, Summer 1992 (Spanish version). (Now really in Spanish)
  • Two meetings on Ivan Illich in Italy in the middle of June

  • "Le paci dei popoli".
    Una rivisitatione del pensiero di Ivan Illich sulla pace. Lucca, Palazzo
    ducale, Sede della Provincia, 13.-14. gugnio 2003, Suola della pace.

  • THE LEGACY OF IVAN ILLICH. AN INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR BOLOGNA JUNE 14TH 2003 Church of San Giorgio in Poggiale, Via Nazario Sauro n.22 Memorial Concert 13th June, Seminar (in English)14th June 10-19h
  • New on the webpage in 05/2003

  • Rieger, Matthias (2003): "The historicity of sound and hearing"
    Book Review of Patrice Bailhache: Une histoire de l'acoustique musicale. Paris: CNRS editions, 2001
  • Rieger, Matthias (2003): "Musik im Zeitalter von Sound. Wie Hermann von Helmholtz die Ära von Sound begründete."
  • Rieger, Matthias (2002): "L'Olympe quand même." (French)
  • Rieger, Matthias (2002): "L'Olympe quand même." (English)
  • Rieger, Matthias (1996): "Persönlicher Brief an Katrin Urban."
  • Rieger, Matthias (1997): "Tischgespräch mit Hermann von Helmholtz."
    Vortrag in der Vorlesung von Ivan Illich in Bremen, 1.2.1997.
  • Rieger, Matthias (1996): "Music before and after Solesmes."
  • Rieger, Matthias (1995): "Über die Entstehung der Möglichkeit zu fragen: Was ist c?."
  • Rieger, Matthias (1995): "Über die Bürokratisierung akademischer Ohrmuscheln." Anmerkungen zur Geschichte des Hörens aus körpergeschichtlicher Sicht unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der akustischen Untersuchungen Hermann von Helmholtz." Vortrag gehalten am 8. Dezember 1995 in der Kreftingstraße."
  • Illich, Ivan; Matthias Rieger (1995): "VON DER VERBORGENEN SEITE DES TEILENS."
  • Rieger, Matthias; Trapp, Sebastian (1996): "Was haben Pflanzen mit Musik zu tun?" Vortrag gehalten am 4.7. 1996 in Tübingen.
  • "Ivan Illich: Stellen aus 25 Jahren und 10 Büchern - (1970 - 1995)" ausgewählt von Uwe Pörksen
  • Further lecture notes of talks at the symposion for Ivan Illich, University of Bremen, Feb. 7th and 8th 2003.

    New on the webpage in 03/2003

    Further lecture notes of talks at the symposion for Ivan Illich, University of Bremen, Feb. 7th and 8th 2003.

    New on the webpage in 02/2003

  • Samerski, Silja (Dezember 2002):
    Vom Zahlenzauber der Statistik
    Ein Lehrstück über die Zumutungen des Risikodenkens
    Gerd Gigerenzer (2002): Das kleine Einmaleins der Skepsis. Über den richtigen Umgang mit Zahlen und Risiken. Berlin
  • Obituaries on the death of Ivan Illich

    Lecture notes of talks at the symposion for Ivan Illich, University of Bremen, Feb. 7th and 8th 2003.

    New on the webpage in 01/2003

    Obituaries on the death of Ivan Illich

    New on the webpage in 04/2002

  • Samerski, Silja (2002): "Risk - Anxiety and the Myth of Informed Decision Making." Überarbeitetes Manuskript für einen Vortrag, gehalten am Institute for Criminology, Oslo, April 17th 2002.
  • Samerski, Silja (2002): "Der Mythos von der 'informierten Entscheidung'." Überarbeitetes Manuskript für den Workshop Schöne - gesunde - neue Welt? Das humangenetische Wissen und seine Anwendung aus philosophischer, soziologischer und historischer Perspektive, Bielefeld, 18.01.2002.

  • Duden, Barbara (2002).
    Die Gene im Kopf - der Fötus im Bauch. Historisches zum Frauenkörper. Hannover: Offizin-Verlag.
    ISBN: 3-930345-33-1
  • Samerski, Silja (2002).
    Die verrechnete Hoffnung. Von der selbstbestimmten Entscheidung durch genetische Beratung. Münster: Westfälisches Dampfboot.
    ISBN: 3-89691-531-2
  • New on the webpage in 01/2002

  • Illich, Ivan (1992): "The De-Linking of Peace and Development." Opening address on the occasion of the first meeting of the Asian Peace Research Association, Yokohama, 1st. December 1980. Published in "In the Mirror of the Past", Marion Boyars Publishers, London 1992. Copyright Ivan Illich and Valentina Borremans.
  • Ivan Illich and Jean Robert: "AUTOSTOP." Contribution by Ivan Illich and Jean Robert to a Symposium on bicycle freedoms in Berlin, Summer 1992 (English version - Spanish version see below).
  • Ivan Illich and Jean Robert: "AUTOSTOP." Contribution by Ivan Illich and Jean Robert to a Symposium on bicycle freedoms in Berlin, Summer 1992 (Spanish version - English version see above).
  • Robert, Jean (1988): "Friendship and our time's spatial imperative."
  • Robert, Jean (1988): "History of Space. A plea for a history of space perceptions."
  • Robert, Jean (1989): "From place to space. (Archeology of Erehwon)."
  • Robert, Jean (1989): "'Speed' as a state of altered perceptions."
  • Robert, Jean (1989): "L'étrangeté de la banalité."
  • Robert, Jean (1989): "The pedestrian condition."
  • Robert, Jean (1991): "Préface à l'édition italienne de. Le temps qu'on nous vole."
  • Robert, Jean (1996): "Hestia and Hermes: the Greek imagination
    of motion and place."
  • Robert, Jean (1999): "Energy and the Mystery of Iniquity."
  • Robert, Jean (1999): "History of Space Perceptions III. A sense of place: Some historical symbols, myths and rituals of 'placeness'."
  • Robert, Jean (2000): "La guarda del ojo en la época del "show"."
  • Robert, Jean (1988-2000): "Rain Steam and Speed and the new scopic regime."
  • Robert, Jean (2001): "Del aquí y del allá, de un poodle y del sentido
    de la proporción en la arquitectura."
  • Robert, Jean (2001): "En los caminos de Palestina ocupada."
  • Robert, Jean (2001): "Auge y decadencia del concepto de pobreza en Occidente."
  • Samerski, Silja (2001): "Die Freisetzung genetischer Begrifflichkeiten." Überarbeitete Version des gleichnamigen Vortrages, gehalten auf dem Symposium "Genpool - Menschenpark - Freizeitkörper" in Graz, 11-15.10.2001.